
Amy Stein. NYC.

This series is called Domesticated.
Incredible photos, also very sad.


1600 chairs.

Doris Salcedo. Colombia. 2003.


Kitintale Skate Project. Uganda.

The Ugandan Skate Union started with a ramp in 06 and is now Uganda's 1st and only (so far) skate park. It became an official NGO in 07. For all the info/ news check- http://www.ugandaskateboardunion.org
And their blog- http://ugandaskateboardunion.wordpress.com
You can also buy t-shirts- http://www.goodstorm.com/stores/kitintaleskate
The profits go towards the parks upkeep.

"Ghost Face Killa" (AMAZE!)



This was done by The Electric Company, an American TV series from the 70s (before sesame street took its place). This episode is crazy for so many reasons. It clearly shows/perpetuates the Arab stereotype as ‘the villain’, which is classic of cartoons from those days. I actually just watched some old cartoon tapes from my childhood: Porky Pig, Donald Duck, Popeye, and was incredibly disturbed to see how many of the 'villains' were portrayed as Arabs. Obviously this is still done in the media (shout out to my boy Osama).
On a lighter note, I love that ‘the hero’ is named Letterman, who saves people through the powers of typography!


Jen Stark.

Handcut stacks of paper. Just beautiful.