Matthew Hood. Photographer. Montreal.
Back in 2005, my homie Matt Hood and I went to see the movie The Constant Gardener , about a British activist/journalist in Northern Kenya. Matt was clearly affected by the film and expressed his desire to visit Africa himself and document the happenings through his camera... I agreed that this would be rad, but was totally surprised/impressed when I learned that he'd booked his flight to Uganda and was to photograph the IDP camps. On his 2nd trip to Africa, I realized that this was just the beginning for Matt, and that he was living his (the) dream of being a photojournalist... his focus and sincere commitment to the craft continues to inspire. After recently releasing his official photo site, I'm so proud to feature some of his beautiful work on the old blog.
Grillz. Minimovies. Submarine Channel.
Directed by Boris Everts.
A Minimovie is a documentary consisting of 8-10 episodes that are 7-10 minutes each. SubmarineChannel explores a new narrative and visual style of documentary through these minimovies. Watch more here: minimovies.org
Gavin Nolan. Artist. London.
Oil on canvas.
Nolan's current collection/exhibit, A King’s Gambit Accepted, focuses on historical figors who've committed suicide or chosen a path that drove them towards an inevitable death... on at CHARLIE SMITH London-March 19th – April 24th 2010.
Aurel Schmidt + Opening Ceremony = Fantastic collabo.
Opening Ceremony developed 11 T's with prints from Aurel Schmidt's original artwork. Drawings created from pencil, colored pencil, acrylic paint, beer, blood etc.
See previous post on Aurel here.