
Music sounds better with you.

Stardust. Directed by Michael Gondry.
This is one of my favorite music videos+songs of all time. I remember seeing it for the 1st time at my grandmothers apartment. She had cable (my parents being hardcore hippies were anti-TV for a while..I was a deprived child I know) so whenever my brother and I would visit grandmum we would bum rush the TV to watch MuchMusic. I was so drawn into this video-the music/ the story/the vintage style-twas intensely amazing. I was only 12 when it came out in '98, and didn't know who Michael Gondry was, but even then I was in love...

1 comment:

  1. It took me a while to find out that the geniuses behind such a catchy crossover song were none other than Thomas Bangalter (Daft Punk) and Alan Braxe. I had no idea until now that Gondry had done a video. Figures!
