Ashkahn. Update. LA.

see MORE radness in previous post on Ashkahn here.

I heart Anderson Cooper.

I was due for new weird tat post.

Skate Mental.

Skate Mental. Signature board of Brad Staba.

Jason Bateman + Jennifer Aniston.

Lookin good.
Shooting a movie together-The Baster out next year.

The finger wave. 1920s-30s hair doo.

I've always adored the look of 'the finger wave'... watching old movies made me want to reach out and touch the women's hair (sounds weirder than it was)... their hair was always gelled down so that it was shiny, perfectly placed and didn't move.
I think I lived in the 1920/30s in a past life.

Troels Carlsen. Artist. Denmark.

Troels Carlsen may be my favorite artist... it's everything that he does, so consistently, that connects me... I love the themes... his use of antique materials/maps/cut-outs from books, and attention to detail... there is so much heart in his work it's hard not to be taken by it... Troels talent is baffling... how realistically the primates are portrayed... and how inventive his installation constructs are. This art really must be seen in person to be fully appreciated... I was blown away when seeing it this year at Volta NY-see here.
Troels is represented by V1 Gallery in Copenhagen