Free stamp. At Willard Park in Ohio. 1991.
Apple Core. At the Israel museum. 1992.
Giant 3-Way Plug. Mahogany. 1970. I just saw this at Tate Modern and flipped out!

... here it is at the Allen Museum in Oberlin (for size ref).
Spoonbridge and Cherry. At the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. 1985-1988
Safety Pin. At the De Young Museum in SF. 1999.

Dream Pin. At PaceWildenstein Gallery NY. 1999.
Clothespin. At the Center Square Building in Philadelphia. 1976.
Balzac Pétanque. At the High Museum of Art. 2002.
Soft Light Switches. 1964.
Dropped Cone. At The Whitney Museum of American Art NY. 2001.
Profiterole. 1990.
Shuttlecock. At Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. 1994.
Floor Cake. At MoMA. 1962.

(Claes seen above)
Claes Oldenburg is best known for his incredible oversized renditions of ordinary objects. He and Coosje van Bruggen, his wife and collaborator, have been making large-scale public sculptures since 1976.