Arcticness. Series based on 3 years of visits to the arctic. check this audio interview with Cory about his fishing and photography:
"In the outskirts of Beijing’s musical underground scene skinhead band Misandao with front man Lei Jun is a growling act of defiance. The skinhead style for them is all about going their own way and playing punk music, no matter what other people say. They speak about their love for China and their contempt for the government, their dreams of the future and how the Olympics make them feel an echo from the Cultural Revolution." Joakim Gross.
A blog from the staff at In These Times magazine- 'dedicated to reporting the news with the highest journalistic standards; to informing and analyzing movements for social, environmental and economic justice; and to providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future'.
Pencil and acrylic on bristol board. Acrylic on panel. My new fave artist. I look forward to seeing his work in person at SCOPE NY in March.