"I really hope you put America back together. No pressure though."
- Sheenie Shannon Yip, age 13, Seattle
"1. Fly to the White House in a helicopter. 2. Walk in. 3. Wipe feet. 4. Walk to the Oval Office. 5. Sit down in a chair. 6. Put hand sanitizer on hands. 7. Enjoy moment. 8. Get up. 9. Get in car. 10. Go to the dog pound."
- Chandler Browne, age 12, Chicago
Dear President Obama,
When you are president, don't eat junk food. Junk food makes you fat. Your family shouldn't eat junk food, either, because it is not healthy. Obama, you rock.
-Amy Ramirez, age 8, SF
(I really wasn't ready for the following one's...)
Dear Barack Obama,
I have a great idea for you: you should set up a special phone, a special place just for kids to call the president if they find things that are dangerous and can affect people, like someone smoking. This would be a special place for kids to talk to Barack Obama and let him know what’s going on.
Another important thing that I want to talk to you about is cars and buses. There is a bus called the Galactic Wizard which runs on biofuel or vegetable oil. I think, instead of polluting the environment, scientists should work on those buses. You should make it so that everyone turns off any light whenever they are not in the room—that way we can save the environment and also pay less on our electricity. We can’t just use up the environment until we have nothing, or we will starve to death. Nobody wants that, do they? I want to tell you, Barack Obama, if one day I could travel around the world and help people, I would definitely do it.
Dhamaril Nunez, age 9, Boston
Dear President Obama,
I know you want to save the earth, but people don't want to clean. My life is to clean up all the world and help you to clean. I always dream of cleaning the world with you. I'll do anything for you because you are the president in this world.
Stephanie Gonzalez, age 7, LA
To President Obama,
If I were president, I would help the people. If we don't throw the trash away, we are going to get sick. I could walk around to check where there is trash.
Kenia Zelaya, age 6, LA
Dear President Obama,
I think that this year you will have to do a lot of work. One thing that you will have to do is to make school more important for everyone. That way, kids will always do a good job. If I were the president, I would work really hard to change Boston and other cities. I would make the world very smart. I would make all of the world work really hard and always do the best job that they can.
Gabriela Quezada, age 7, Boston
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