Greendex: Consumer Choice and the Environment is a Worldwide Tracking Survey that measures consumer behavior in 65 areas including energy use and conservation, transportation choices, food sources, the relative use of green products versus traditional products, attitudes towards the environment/sustainability, and knowledge of environmental issues. A total of 17,000 consumers from 17 countries were surveyed. Overall, environmentally friendly behavior among consumers in 10 out of 17 countries has increased over the past year. As in 2008, the top-scoring consumers of 2010 are in India, Brazil, China (in descending order).
American consumers’ behavior still ranks as the
least sustainable of all countries surveyed since 2008, followed by
Canadian, French and British consumers. Consumers in emerging economies continue to round out the top tier of the Greendex ranking, while the 6th lowest scores were all earned by consumers in industrialized countries. Much of the increase in the overall scores was due to more sustainable behavior in the housing category (energy + resources consumed). Americans, Hungarians, British and Australians all had increases in this area. Cost considerations and environmental concerns both motivated consumers to adopt more sustainable behavior over the past year. When asked to what extent 10 different factors discourage them from doing more for the environment, most people said they do not do more because companies make false claims about the environmental impacts of their products. The 2nd reason was that further individual efforts are not worth it if governments and industries do not also take action.