Songkla is an independent design studio/boutique run by siblings Tung and Thanh Voand. Their line, Mananoshe is designed and handmade in-house. Watch a short video by Vicki Chau on the company HERE.
The New Museum on the Bowery has teamed up with The City Bakery to create Birdbath cafe, located in the Museum. Uhuru was commissioned to design the tables and stools for the cafe. The stools are made from hardwood scraps collected from local wood shops, and the tables are crafted from post-consumer recycled steel + aluminum, finished with a zero VOC powder coat. Birdbath offers local, organic food prepared in the bakery and delivered to the Museum by bike-driven cargo rickshaw. Customers who bike/skate to the cafe get a 25% discount-talk about incentive to live sustainably. Other beautiful work from Uhuru: Uhuru was founded by Jason Horvath + Bill Hilgendorf. Uhuru designers include: Maria Cristina Rueda, David Gaynor, Sakura Moriya, Matthew Cacioppo, Danny Giannella, and Leah Reyes.