Thousands of picture frame corners used to create the ceiling. Mr. Phillips said, "A frame shop was getting rid of old samples and I was there waiting."

Salvaged wine corks provide an inexpensive form of cork flooring.

A chair's back is fashioned out of cattle bones.

80% of the materials were salvaged from construction projects, found in trash heaps or picked up off the side of the road.
New York Times Home & Garden. nytimes.com
I am affiliated with Dan and we run the Phoenix Commotion
we have lots of photos, information, etc..
thanks for your posting and support.
awesome thank YOU! you're doing wonderful and important work.
SUPER HOMES!!! I would LOVE to have one. Are there any for sale now?? Have you ever thought of moving to Ga. or Fl.? Keep up the great work.. God has given you a real gift. Wish there were more people like you. GO GREEN for sure. Thanks for sharing.
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